Third Testing Round LearningApps in October 2023 with Cap Ulysse / Bordeaux / France

We tested another 4 learning exercises on LearningApps developed within the framework of the STRENGTH project.

Three of our new LearningApps were created on the topic of social inclusion in the new country of residence. They refer to citizenship, social and professional networking, and important organizations in Bordeaux/France. The other learning app refers to the world of work and how to understand a job ad.

LearningApps allow a very creative, visual but simple way to create exercises for learners who can access them on the computer or their phone. Our learners always follow a basic digital training of about 14 hours in order to be able to navigate autonomously and securely on the computer and on the net. Most of our learners have basic digital knowledge on smartphones, but hardly on a computer with a French keyboard.

We try to use digital devices in all our sessions in different ways – quizzes on the net, French learning exercises on specific homepages, filling in pdf forms for administrative matters, online presentations on famous women created by our learners, filling in the “training book”, etc.

The exercises we created on learning apps in the frame of STRENGTH allow us to test or fix knowledge. The different topics mentioned in the exercises have to be addressed by the trainer beforehand. We also advise when using digital devices and the internet in the training, to do this in a diversified way and to alternate between different methods and tools so learners don’t get bored.

For example, for testing our two learning apps on citizenship and personal and professional networks, we started the training with a board game “Republix” on citizenship. The game constitutes an interactive non non-formal method to discuss French citizenship together, but also to work in a team and to have fun. The learning apps exercises follow just after this onsite game, in order to test the individual understanding of the terms we worked on and to fix the knowledge.

In the frame of STRENGTH project, the partnership will propose a training in June 2024 for trainers interested in introducing digital tools and devices in their training with adult learners (in precarious situations). If you are interested, contact us here:

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